Prophet of Compassion: Building People and Communities
See how the Prophet helped people who were considered outsiders in the community. He made the biggest sinners feel welcome in his...

Women in Islam #5: Women's Attire and Beautification Continued...
Women in Islam Class #5: Women's Attire and Beautification (Part 2) For Part 1 of this topic - https://www.facebook.com/MahadAndSafiya/...

QUICK FIQH: Can a Woman Travel by Herself without a Mahram?
QUICK FIQH: Can a Woman Travel by Herself without a Mahram? Did you know that the wives of the Prophet (S) traveled together WITHOUT a...

Women in Islam #4: Women's Attire and Beautification:
Women's Attire and Beautification: Women in Islam Class #4 Is a black abaya the most religiously pious outfit for a woman? Does a woman...

Women in Islam #3: Fiqh of Menstruation
Ever had ANY questions about the Fiqh of Menstruation?! In our 3rd episode of Women in Islam, Ustadha Safiya Ravat sums up plenty of...

Women in Islam #2: Role of Women in Society
Ever heard... "A woman should stay at home!" or "Her voice is awrah!" or "She is a fitnah, keep her hidden!" WOMEN IN ISLAM Class #2 is...

"Dar ul Kufr" vs. "Dar ul Islam" - The Divisions of the World, Revisited
One of the most influential teachers during my time in Malaysia, studying at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, was Dr...

Girl Next Door ... A True Story - Tricks of Shaytan (Barseesa: A Modern Rendition)
The Girl Next Door... A True Story ..It's just a text ..Just a facebook message ..We're only friends He was just her neighbor, checking...

Women In Islam #01
WOMEN IN ISLAM, first class is out! Our first class of this series aims to create a paradigm shift of how we think of women from the...

Women in Islam - Promo
Ever heard the following as THE description of a "pious" Muslim woman? She... stays at home shouldn't go to the masjid shouldn’t work...

Safiya Ravat on Why Scholars Should Revisit The Rulings For Women's Issues in Islam (Haute Hijab
Ustadha Safiya Ravat is an instructor of Islamic Studies at Bayyinah. She and her husband recently graduated from the International...

Women in Islam - The True Story
What were the women really like at the time of Rasulallah (s)? Shaikh Abdul Haleem Abu Shuqqah wanted to write a biography of Prophet...

The Mother's Struggle in the Quran
Allah highlights the struggles of the mother in the Quran. The struggles in her pregnancy and nursing are mentioned in Surah Luqman. ".....

Hidden Female Figures in Islamic History
Whenever we've heard stories of prominent figures in Islamic history, the narrative we've been taught always highlighted the male...