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Women in Islam - Promo

Ever heard the following as THE description of a "pious" Muslim woman?


  • stays at home

  • shouldn't go to the masjid

  • shouldn’t work

  • can’t travel alone

  • can’t divorce

  • has to be "hidden" from society

  • her husband can beat her if she talks back

These are amongst just a few of the perpetuated untruths by Islamophobes and Muslims alike - that have caused muslim women's rights to be stripped from her, leading to the mistreatment and exploitation of half of the Ummah. It’s high time we got rid of our cultural myths and re-educated our Ummah with the true Narrative of women from the Quran and Sunnah. The true story of how the Quran honored Bilqis to be a queen over her people, how Maryam was praised as a devout worshipper, how mothers are venerated for enduring the struggles of pregnancy, how Allah responded to the complaint of a wife whose husband spoke badly to her, revealing ayaat to console her. We see from the seerah and our Islamic history - The true story of how the women in the time of the Prophet (S) were given respect, authority, and value in their communities.. How they made itikaaf and prayed in a masjid with no barrier, how they worked some even supporting their husband and being the main breadwinner, how they participated in the battlefield. The Quran and our Islamic history is full of women exercising their God-given rights to work, serve, and be fully engaged in her society. Allah taught us how to honor the woman centuries ago, but with the passage of time, the lesson was lost. It’s time to revive the true story of women yet again - so that we can help support a generation of confident, spiritually well-rounded young Muslim women who can navigate the turbulent currents of life, engage in humanitarian efforts, and become pillars of strength for both the Muslim community and society at large.


Ustadha Safiya Ravat will be conducting a monthly women's class entitled "Women in Islam", relating to women's fiqh and women's issues. The class will cover a plethora of women's topics in depth from a woman's role in society, to her rights in Islam, rules relating to her worship, and her every day actions (largely taken from Abu Shuqa's book "Tahrir al Mara fi Asri Risala"). All questions are welcome in this SAFE space for women 13 and older. The class will take place the first Saturday of every month from noon to Dhuhr at Southlake Masjid.


Safiya Ravat graduated with a degree in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh and Usul al Fiqh) from the International Islamic University of Malaysia, as well as a Journalism degree from the University of Houston. She and her husband live in Dallas, TX where they are working under the Bayyinah Foundation. Full bio here. Follow them for more videos and posts on Facebook at Mahad and Safiya.



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